What is ECB Clubmark?
Clubmark is an accreditation scheme for cricket clubs which shows that the club is sustainable, well run and provides the right environment for its members.
Clubmark accreditation also means Astley Bridge CC is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as assuring parents and carers that they are choosing the right option for their young people.
Clubmark remains a key component of helping clubs raise standards in the recreational game and is used by many leagues as an entry requirement and the Home Office as part of requirements for the managed migration process.
We have a club development plan in place which we review annually to ensure it meets the wants and needs of our club members. The plan highlights our short, medium and long term aspirations and is sharedwith our members.
We are aware of risks that may impact on our Club. Our activities, premises and coaches are insured using public liability insurance to a minimum value of £5 million and employers liability insurance to £10million.
Our governing committee –
• Consists of at least 3 people who are unrelated and not cohabiting.
• Includes the Club Safeguarding Officer
• Is subject to regular election
• Meets at least 4 times a year with decision making recorded.
• Holds an Annual General Meeting open to members
• Recognises and records any conflicts of interest.
• Proactively recruit new committee members considering skillsneeded and diversity.
We have governing documents in place which detail how the club is run and includes as a minimum an open (non-discriminatory) constitution which includes "Safe Hands" and ECB Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct adoption, together with a separate Club Safeguarding PolicyStatement.
We practice good financial management and manage our finances through a dedicated club bank account which requires 2 independent signatures for payments. We also prepare annual accounts which aremade available to members.