Welcome to the new and revamped Junior Team Section... 2025 is set to be a great year!

Junior Cricket

Carrying on from last season, we field six junior teams starting from our Astley Bridge Cubs (School Year 2 & below), U9s, U11s, U13s, U15, U18s.

Meet new people, make new friends and learn to play cricket in a caring and safe environment.

We have been awarded the ECB Clubmark Accreditation for 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 which shows that the club is sustainable, well-run and provides the right environment for its members and players.

All our coaches are ECB Qualified and DBS-checked.

Club Policies

Please ensure both you and your child/children have familiarised yourselves with the club policies, especially the Codes of Conduct. These can be found by clicking here.

Club Clean Up / Training / Parent's Meeting

Over the weekend of the 5th and 6th April, the club will host it's Bears Club Clean Up Day ahead of the new season. We will confirm timings closer to the day, with details on all the activities and jobs to do.

Bears Friday Night Training

Our Bears Friday Training Evenings will commence on Friday 25th April 2025.

The timings are:

  • Astley Bridge Cubs (School Years 2 and below) – 6:15pm to 7:15pm

  • Under 9s, Under 11s, Under 13’s and Under 15’s – 6:15pm to 7:45pm

  • Under 18s train with the senior teams on Wednesday evenings from 6:15pm – 8pm

We have a good number of coaches available this summer, including our new professional, Dhanushka Dhamasiri. We are also delighted that our overseas amateur from last year, Ulli Bronkhorst, is returning. We look forward to their arrival and working with them over the season.

Both Danu and Ulli will be available for private 1:1 coaching. More details in respect of this, including the costs will be available in April.

Astley BriDge Cricket Club Bears

Junior Cricket Memberships

School Years 2 and Below

Membership Fee (includes match/training shirt)


Friday Night Training Fee*


Total Price: £65.00

* The weekly training fee is £5. Paying the £40 up front is great value compared to paying the weekly fee. There are around 20 sessions over the course of the summer.

Payment can be made by cash or card. Bank transfer can also be used to the following account.

Astley Bridge CC



Please use the child's initial and surname, followed by "JNR" as the payment reference, e.g., "J BLOGGS JNR". This will allow the club to match the payment back to your membership application.

School Years 3 and Up

Membership Fee (includes match/training shirt)


Friday Night Training Fee*


Total Price: £75.00

* The weekly training fee is £5. Paying the £50 up front is great value compared to paying the weekly fee. There are around 20 sessions over the course of the summer.

Payment can be made by cash or card. Bank transfer can also be used to the following account.

Astley Bridge CC



Please use the child's initial and surname, followed by "JNR" as the payment reference, e.g., "J BLOGGS JNR". This will allow the club to match the payment back to your membership application.

Junior Cricket Matches

The club has entered teams at all the junior age groups in the North West Cricket League - Under 9s through to Under 18s. The league’s website can be found here:

Bear’s games are scheduled to commence in early May and are played on different days across the week, dependent on the age group.

Once the fixtures are release, all the club’s fixtures and results can be found on the club’s Play-Cricket website:

The eligibility criteria for the different age groups are that players must be “under” on 1st September 2024. For example, if a player is currently 15, but turned 15 after 1st September 2024, he/she can play for the Under 15s. Girls, however, can play 1 year below their “natural” age group.

League Registration

To play in league matches, players must be registered with the league.

All existing players from last season are automatically registered for this season.

Any new players to the club will have to provide an up-to-date photograph and a form of identification (usually a photo of the photo page of their passport). Please provide this to the relevant team manager as soon as possible.


Players should play matches in their Bears kit.

A match / training shirt is provided free with Bears membership. Sweaters and tracksuit bottoms are available to purchase and subsidised by the club to keep the price at an affordable figure.

If there are any issues with this, please speak with a club coach.


In Under 11s matches and older, a hard ball is used and therefore protective equipment is required. As a minimum, this should include a helmet, batting gloves, batting pads and an abdominal guard. Wicket keepers will also need wicket keeping gloves. This equipment is available to purchase at some sports shops and specialist cricket shops, such as Cricket World, based at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.

Astley Bridge Cricket Club

Bears Coaches 2025

Farouk Hussain

Head of ABCC Bears Junior Cricket

Krish Patel

Head Junior Coach

Syd De Silva

1st Team Captain

Dhanushka Dharmasiri

Overseas Professional

Ulli Bronkhorst

Overseas Amateur

Tahira Patel

ABCC Bears Junior Cricket Secretary

Jean Darby

Junior Coach

Ismael Patel

Junior Coach

Safwaan Gangat

Junior Coach

Richard Northrop

Junior Coach

Millen Patel

Senior Player

Hasan Patel

Senior Player

Akbar Mallu

Senior Player

Sajid Ismail

Senior Player

Asfak Patel

Senior Player

Jake Bailey

Senior Player

Bears Managers 2025

Under 9's Manager

Hasan Patel

Assistant: Akbar Mallu

Under 11's Manager

Safwaan Gangat

Assistant: Tahira Gangat and Asfak Patel

Under 13's Manager

Sajid Ismail

Under 15's Manager

Jake Bailey

Under 18's Manager

Femieda Patel

Assistant: Ismael Patel

ABCC Festival Days

The club is hosting a number of cricket festivals in the summer and the dates will be communicated in due course.

The festivals will have teams from throughout the North West and (weather permitting) are great day for all the family.

Astley Bridge Bears will enter at least one team into the festivals and more details will be shared in due course.

Both festival days will have BBQ (halal), food stalls, drinks and fun games and activities. We are also looking for sponsors for these festivals!

Finally, what you can do! :

  • We expect parents to be in regular communication with their respective team managers.

  • Most of the coaches and managers are volunteers, and all have day jobs. Any assistance parents can give is greatly appreciated.

  • Training sessions and matches are organised in advance. If you cannot attend, please let your team manager know as soon as possible.

  • Whilst at training or matches, please let the coaches coach and do not interfere with the sessions and distract your child. This not only disrupts your child, but potentially affects the whole group and could undermine the coach.

  • Players should play matches in their Bears kit. If there are any issues with this, please speak with a club coach.

If you have any issues with anything at the club, please speak with your team manager and if your issue is not resolved, please reach out to Farouk. The club’s Safeguarding Officer is Harry Gratrix and he can be contacted on 07913 302055.

If you have any questions or issues that your team manager has not resolved, please contact:

Farouk Hussain (ABCC Head of ABCC Bears Junior Cricket) – Tel: 07973 360320

Tahira Gangat (ABCC Bears Junior Cricket Secretary) – Tel: 07412 070050

David Bailey (ABCC Chairman) – Tel: 07825 396123

Harry Gratrix (Safeguarding Officer) – Tel: 07913 302055.

Alternatively, you can email the club at

2025 Documents

This season's documents include the Code of Conducts for Managers, Players and Parents as well as all the necessary Policies that are in place at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.